


Wednesday 10 July 2013


Twitter is a social networking site that lets you post 140 word messages as "tweets". It was created in 2006 and today, millions of people all over the world use it. 

I am new to Twitter. I've heard of it, I know a lot of people that use it, but I only got an account because we needed one for our BTT class. I have to say, out of all of the social networks that I have tried, I think that Twitter is the best one so far. I like the idea of sharing ideas with each other by tweeting, retweeting, and commenting. With Twitter, you can also create your own PLN (or Professional Learning Network). Twitter is good for sharing information if you follow the right people. I think of Twitter as a very short blog. You won't get bored of it easily because you don't have to read through long posts and you can also share pictures, videos, and links. Also, if you want to group tweets together, you can use a "# (hashtag)". With this, you can see what other people are saying about a certain topic.

I think that Twitter is a great way to collect and distribute information. It's also very fun! I think that I should make a personal Twitter soon.   

If you want to learn more about Twitter click the link provided. 

I hope you liked my entry on Twitter! Remember to follow me on Twitter and I hope you a very nice day! See you next time!

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