


Saturday 6 July 2013


High heels, flip flops, flats and sneakers are all different types of footwear. Most people wear them all over the world. They help us walk without hurting our feet and come in many different shapes and sizes. The right footware helps complete a person's outfit and some even help with posture. 

Footwear can be for any occasion and I personally think that the right kind of footwear makes or breaks an outfit. For me, if I just walk two steps out my house my feet already hurt and it feels weird. I don't know how some people can go with bare-less feet, but if you can, I congratulate you because I am somebody go can't do it outside. So remember, don't treat your shoes like garbage! Be lucky that you actually have shoes because some people in the world aren't as fortunate as we are. 

So, I feel like this blog was really rushed so I apologize and I will try my best to make the next one really awesome. I hope you like my entry on footwear! 

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