Unicorns are mythical creatures that originated from European folklore about a white horse with a horn on it's forehead. Unicorns have been traced back to to the ancient Greeks and has been used in many pictures and coats of arms.
Many people say that the unicorn is just a myth, but I believe that unicorns are really real. According to Wikipedia, The first objects unearthed from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, which were the major sites in the Indus Valley Civilization, were stone seals of unicorns. They have been interpreted as aurochs (a type of wild cattle with two horns), but on the seal, there is only one horn showing. Maybe, that when they made the seals, they didn't make it of aurochs, they made it of unicorns! There is also an article about how unicorns actually existed! To check out the article, Click Here. There are also many games and videos out there and on YouTube about unicorns so go check them out!
The seals found of unicorns
There is also a game on the App Store about unicorns called Robot Unicorns Attack 2. The first one is 99¢ but the second one is free. I have had many opportunities to play the first game of Robot Unicorns Attack and I have loved it. While the unicorn runs, Always by Erasure (which is an awesome song) is playing in the background and you have to make it jump and dash to collect coins and break stars. But in the second game, there are also monsters that you have to break, you can customize your unicorn and music, and once you reach a certain level, you can choose between two teams and compete against each other. I love these two games so much and I highly recommend them.
I love unicorns a lot for different reasons including they fly, they're magical, they're colourful, and they look like pretty horses. A unicorn reminds me of Nyan Cat a little bit because when I imagine a unicorn, I imagine it flying through the sky with a rainbow trailing behind it. Unicorns also come in all of the colours of the rainbow and skittles, and unicorns can use their horns for healing powers, telekinesis, and more. Lastly, unicorns look just like horses with a horn and rainbows and I love horses because they are cute and they look so peaceful running through the fields and as you guys know, I absolutely love rainbows.
So, I hope you have enjoyed this blog entry on unicorns! I know I have and I have even learned a couple of interesting facts about them too! So, I hope you have a beautiful day and see you later!
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