


Monday, 22 July 2013


I can't believe that after three weeks of blogging, I still haven't blogged about my favoutite animal in the world, unicorns!

Unicorns are mythical creatures that originated from European folklore about a white horse with a horn on it's forehead. Unicorns have been traced back to to the ancient Greeks and has been used in many pictures and coats of arms. 

Many people say that the unicorn is just a myth, but I believe that unicorns are really real. According to Wikipedia, The first objects unearthed from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, which were the major sites in the Indus Valley Civilization, were stone seals of unicorns. They have been interpreted as aurochs (a type of wild cattle with two horns), but on the seal, there is only one horn showing. Maybe, that when they made the seals, they didn't make it of aurochs, they made it of unicorns! There is also an article about how unicorns actually existed! To check out the article, Click Here. There are also many games and videos out there and on YouTube about unicorns so go check them out!

The seals found of unicorns

There is also a game on the App Store about unicorns called Robot Unicorns Attack 2. The first one is 99¢ but the second one is free. I have had many opportunities to play the first game of Robot Unicorns Attack and I have loved it. While the unicorn runs, Always by Erasure (which is an awesome song) is playing in the background and you have to make it jump and dash to collect coins and break stars. But in the second game, there are also monsters that you have to break, you can customize your unicorn and music, and once you reach a certain level, you can choose between two teams and compete against each other. I love these two games so much and I highly recommend them.

I love unicorns a lot for different reasons including they fly, they're magical, they're colourful, and they look like pretty horses. A unicorn reminds me of Nyan Cat a little bit because when I imagine a unicorn, I imagine it flying through the sky with a rainbow trailing behind it. Unicorns also come in all of the colours of the rainbow and skittles, and unicorns can use their horns for healing powers, telekinesis, and more. Lastly, unicorns look just like horses with a horn and rainbows and I love horses because they are cute and they look so peaceful running through the fields and as you guys know, I absolutely love rainbows. 

So, I hope you have enjoyed this blog entry on unicorns! I know I have and I have even learned a couple of interesting facts about them too! So, I hope you have a beautiful day and see you later!

Sources used:

Sunday, 21 July 2013


After blogging about all of these programs, I can't believe I forgot to blog about my favourite program that allows you to create presentations, Prezi! Prezi is an online program that allows you to make amazing presentations easily, and it'll leave your audience amazed. 

Here is a quick video explaining how to use Prezi:

I absolutely love Prezi. Prezi's are easy to create and it gives a wonderful presentaion. You can do many things with Prezi including, inserting videos, music and pictures, zooming in or out of the canvas (to give it a 3-D feeling), rotating the canvas, and more. Since Prezi is an online program, you can access it anywhere and making an account is free! A lot of people use Prezi including businesses to share ideas with one another. Prezi is a great program and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I hope you enjoyed my blog entry on Prezi! Talk to you guys tomorrow! If you guys want me to blog or review something, leave me comments below or contact me through Twitter. Thanks and have a beautiful day! 

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Clipping Magic!

Clipping Magic is a website where can upload pictures and remove the backgrounds very easily. I also found this program from my BTT class. To remove the background of the picture, click the green tab and mark the image you want to keep. Then, by clicking the red tab and marking the parts that you want to remove, the picture on the right will remove what ever you want removed. From there, you can download and share your newly edited picture. 

Here is a video explaining in further details.

I actually tried this and it is a very good way for removing the backgrounds of images. It is quick, simple, and has a very good result. 

Here is one of the pictures that I have edited of unicorns.
It's not the best, but it was my first time and I think it turned out pretty good. Below is the original image.

So, I hope you liked my entry on Clipping Magic! Try it out! It is super easy to do and I highly recommend it. Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Friday, 19 July 2013


Wideo is a website that allows you to create videos easily for free and it is accessible to all because it is on the internet.  

I first found out about Wideo when we had to make videos for BTT class. It seemed like an interesting program so I created an account. Making a video on Wideo is surprisingly easy. When you make an account, they will show you an easy tutorial on the basics of using Wideo and then you're set! I like Wideo because it is similar to the program Prezi and I really enjoy making powerpoint presentations on Prezi. Wideo is easy, fun to create, and a good website to make videos. 

Here's a Wideo I created when I made the account:

I also created a video on the basics of leaning Wideo, but I don't know if I'm allowed to put that on my blog. So I hope you enjoyed my entry on Wideo! I hope you stay tuned into my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day! Bye for now!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Hello Kitty!!

After how many weeks, I'm surprised that I didn't post a blog entry on one of my favourite things!

Hello Kitty was created by Sanrio in 1974 when it was having it's first appearance in Japan. Hello Kitty (or Kitty White) was born in the suburbs of London, England on November 1st to a big family and she is as tall as five apples and weighs about three apples. Now, after sold in many countries and having her own television shows, she is known worldwide and targeted to all females. 

I was introduced to Hello Kitty when I was really young and I still love her. I think Hello Kitty is going to be one of the things that I'm not going to stop loving, ever. I've been known as 'the girl that loves Hello Kitty' and that's okay with me because it's true. I remember when we did secret Santa gifts at school, and both of the times that I did it, I received something with Hello Kitty on it and when my Hello Kitty pencil broke, so did my heart (but I'm okay now). When I was younger, I always went on Sanrio's website (link with first Sanrio) and I always told myself that when I get a credit card, I was going to buy something from there (without bankrupting myself of course) and I am going to do it one day.

Hello Kitty is one of those things that you can find all over the world, but even though you can find it in Canada, I want to go to Japan one day and buy something with Hello Kitty there so it can have some meaning to me. 

I love Hello Kitty so much it is indescribable in words. I even got my cousin loving Hello Kitty! So, I hope you enjoyed my post on Hello Kitty as much as I did! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!

Sources Used: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_Kitty

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Dropbox is a website that lets you save your documents so you can access it anywhere, anytime, as long as you have connection to the internet. Basically, it's an online USB. 

I made a Dropbox account for my BTT class and it is so much easier to use than a USB. You can save a lot of files in your Dropbox, including pictures, documents, even pictures from paint! There is also an app for it so you can edit and view files you've saved there anywhere! You can also share certain files on Dropbox and only certain people can see it because your account is private. Lastly, if anything happens to your computer and your important files get erased, if it is saved to your Dropbox, it will still be there and accessible. 

Here's their blog! Click here to access it. 

Here's a video explaining Dropbox!

A lot of people use Dropbox everyday to keep their important files safe and it is a really good way of doing so. So, just to be safe, go make a Dropbox account! So, I hope you enjoyed my entry on Dropbox! Have a nice rest of the day! 

Sources Used: https://www.dropbox.com/

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Review: Despicable Me 2!

Despicable Me 2 is a movie directed by Pier Coffin and Chris Renaud that was released on July 3rd, 2013 and is a sequel to the movie Despicable Me. According to Common Sense Media, it has been rated four out of five stars. 

In Despicable Me 2, Gru swaps his evil schemes for a jam and jelly business, but when he is kidnapped and offered a job at AVL (Anti-Villains League), he pairs up with Lucy, a new recruit, to capture the villain that stole a dangerous chemical substance that can be harmful to the whole world if placed in the wrong hands. Despicable Me 2 is a tale about family, love, trust, and minions that suitable for the whole family and will leave you with a smile as you exit the theater.   

I watched Despicable Me 2 after school today with some friends and I absolutely loved it. It was hilarious, captivating and entertaining all at the same time. If I were to rate this movie I would give it five stars! My favourite part in the movie was probably the part where Gru and the girls went the Cinco de Mayo party because It was really funny seeing Gru trying to be overprotective of Margo. I also liked the part in the beginning when Agnes was having her birthday party and Gru had to be the fairy princess and at the end when the minions start singing "I swear" and "YMCA" at the wedding. I think a character that I can relate to the most in this movie is Agnes, because she loves unicorns and tries her best to help with anything that she can. I would recommend this movie one hundred percent and if I had an opportunity to watch it again, I would. 

There is also a website all about Despicable Me, so if you want to visit it, Click Here.  

So, I hoped you enjoyed my review on Despicable Me 2! It is a really funny movie so go watch it before it goes out of theaters! Thanks for tuning in to my blog! Have a wonderful day!   

Monday, 15 July 2013

Review: Mino Monsters

Mino Monsters is a game for apple devices by MinoMonsters Inc. It is sort of like Pokemon but easier. In Mino Monsters, you have to defeat the grublings with your team of monsters. In the old Mino Monsters, you would have to explore different terrains to find monsters to defeat or tame them, but in the new version, all you have to do is click on the grubling or monster to fight it. 

Here is a video trailer for Mino Monsters:

Whoever has been reading my blog since the beginning knows that I absolutely love Pokemon and Mino Monsters is basically the more simpler version for most apple devices. I love Mino Monsters for another reason too: the graphics! I adore anything cute and when I saw these almost Pokemon Monsters in the App Store, I had to check it out, and it seems like my time hasn't been wasted playing this game because, like Pokemon, different creatures have different elements. Because of this, I have learned that fire and ground/rock types are weak against water, grass and ice types are weak against fire, and water types are weak against grass. There are also many other types, including flying, but I haven't figured all of those out yet. 

If you want to learn more about Mino Monsters, go to their website by Clicking Here, or go check it out on the App Store. 

So I hope you enjoyed this review on Mino Monsters (and if you're thinking of downloading it, hope you enjoy it as much as I do!)! So see you next time and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Review: Divergent

 Photo from: http://divergent.wikia.com/wiki/Divergent_(book)

Divergent is a book by Veronica Roth. According to Wikipedia, it has won many awards including Favourite Book of 2011 in 2011's Goodreads Choice Awards, placing number one in the Teens' Top Ten Vote, and also won the Sakura Medal Contest. 

Divergent is about a girl named Beatrice that lives in a country divided up by 5 factions: Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, and Erudite. When children turn 16, they have to attend the Choosing Ceremony, where they are allowed to change or remain in the same faction. Beatrice has to fight to remain in her chosen faction and even to hide a secret. Will be Beatrice disobey her faction or remain in her current one? Read the book to find out!

Picture from: http://dog78223.deviantart.com/art/Divergent-279063469

I think Veronica Roth is a great author. I really liked how she described each faction's personality and the setting of each place. She painted a picture in my mind as I read and the images were extraordinary. 

I just finished reading this book this weekend and I love it so much and I was up late just reading this book. To me this book is captivating and entertaining. I admire Beatrice's will to fight because it is a sign of bravery and courage. I recommend this book very much and out of five, I give it one hundred.

There is also a movie coming out in 2014 so go look at the trailers! I hope you enjoyed my review on the book Divergent! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I will try my best to post everyday. So, see you later and have a nice day! 

Sources used: http://divergent.wikia.com/wiki/Divergent_%28book%29

Friday, 12 July 2013

Review: Retired Wizard Story

Retired Wizard Story is a game for Android and Apple created by WestRiver. In Retired Wizard Story, you play as an old wizard that cast a spell on his sheep and they started talking! The objective of this game is use spells to keep the sheep inside of your farm. It might sound easy in the beginning but when you get to the higher levels, it starts to get really hard!

Retired Wizard Story is one of my favourite games on my iPod because it's challenging, addicting, and I like the graphics. If you are a person that likes a challenge, I highly recommend this game. I remember letting my cousin play the first level of this game and she said it was too easy. So, I let her play the level I was currently on and she gave up because it was too hard for her. I also find this game very addicting. Since it's challenging, when I lose a level, it only makes me try harder for next time. Lastly, I love the graphics. If you personally know me, I have a soft spot for cute things (if you haven't noticed already from my blog). In the higher levels you get, the sheep start wearing clothing or other items and I find that really cute because in real life you won't see a sheep with a watermelon or a head dress on their heads. 

The best part of this game is that it is absolutely free! Si if you want, go download it in the app store! So, i hope you enjoyed my first game review! See you next time!

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Every night, we climb into our beds and fall asleep, but during the night we can wake up from noise or lights. Most people these days, don't get a lot of sleep. Sleep is a good thing because it helps replenish your body for the days ahead. To learn more about sleep and why it is good for you, Click Here and if you want to learn even more, Click Here

I sleep about eight hours (which is the number of hours that you are supposed to be  sleeping) on most nights, but on some, I get less. People get less and less sleep because of their work, school, or they are using too much technology. I think that sleeping helps you a lot because if you stay up all night, you'll definitely be tired in the morning. If you're more awake, you can concentrate better and you won't get sleepy during the day. 

I suggest you read the articles above so you can be aware of the consequences of not sleeping and the advantages of sleeping because I'm not going to expand on this topic a lot because it's already late and I need to sleep too or I will be really tired when I go to school tomorrow. 

So I hope you liked my entry on sleeping! I'm going to go to sleep now, so I'll see you tomorrow and goodnight! 

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Twitter is a social networking site that lets you post 140 word messages as "tweets". It was created in 2006 and today, millions of people all over the world use it. 

I am new to Twitter. I've heard of it, I know a lot of people that use it, but I only got an account because we needed one for our BTT class. I have to say, out of all of the social networks that I have tried, I think that Twitter is the best one so far. I like the idea of sharing ideas with each other by tweeting, retweeting, and commenting. With Twitter, you can also create your own PLN (or Professional Learning Network). Twitter is good for sharing information if you follow the right people. I think of Twitter as a very short blog. You won't get bored of it easily because you don't have to read through long posts and you can also share pictures, videos, and links. Also, if you want to group tweets together, you can use a "# (hashtag)". With this, you can see what other people are saying about a certain topic.

I think that Twitter is a great way to collect and distribute information. It's also very fun! I think that I should make a personal Twitter soon.   

If you want to learn more about Twitter click the link provided. 

I hope you liked my entry on Twitter! Remember to follow me on Twitter and I hope you a very nice day! See you next time!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Because of the rain yesterday, I decided that I should make a post on rainbows.

Rainbows are made by the reflection of light in water droplets that takes the shape of a multicoloured arch. There are two different types of rainbows: primary rainbows and double rainbows. The rainbow shown above is an animated primary rainbow and a double rainbow is another rainbow outside of the primary rainbow arch (the colours of the double rainbow is opposite of the primary rainbow - red on the inside and violet on the outside). 

When people ask me what is my favourite colour in the rainbow, I say rainbow! I love rainbows. Just seeing a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet arch stretching across the sky lights up my mood. Doesn't yours? Rainbows make people all over the world smile! But the sad thing is that you can't approach a rainbow because it comes from the water droplets viewed from a certain angle parallel to the sun's rays. That means that we will never find the gold at the end of a rainbow. But that's okay! We can still enjoy it from afar. 

If you want to learn more about rainbows Click Here

So, I hope you enjoyed my entry on rainbows! If you want me to comment or post something just tweet me or ask me! Thanks and see you next time! 

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Music is part of everybody's life. Music has been part of life for a long time and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether you listen a little or a lot, everybody has and I'm pretty sure always will. Music helps to express your emotions and there are many different genres of music (including pop, rock and roll, R&B and the blues). There are also many talented people that changed the world with their music including Beethoven, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Music makes people happy around the world.

I absolutely love music to my heart's content and I listen to it everyday of my life. Music has been with me for as long as I can remember (and I'm pretty sure even longer!) and I don't know what I would do if music didn't exist. If music didn't exist, it would be such a dull and boring world and riding an elevator or listening to the radio would get really boring.  Music is part of us now! We can't change that. 

There are different ways to listen to music, you can listen to it or you can preform it. You can express yourself using an instrument or your voice. Usually when I listen to music, I also sing along. I really like singing. I've been singing for as long as I can remember (maybe even longer!) and I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but I think that I'm pretty good at it. Also, if I really like the song I might just learn how to play it on either guitar or piano. I've been playing guitar for a year and a half (I'm not the best at it, but I can still play), and I've been playing piano for about 11 years. We all play music, well, once we get to grade seven, eight, and beyond, we are privileged enough to have music classes.

Without music, the world would just be a boring place, quiet and plain. Music is in everything now; in TV shows, movies, commercials, even in us! Music has changed many people's lives and I believe that it will continue to as life goes on. Many people today will be nothing without music. Music is life.

I hope you enjoyed my blog entry on music! See you next time!

Saturday, 6 July 2013


High heels, flip flops, flats and sneakers are all different types of footwear. Most people wear them all over the world. They help us walk without hurting our feet and come in many different shapes and sizes. The right footware helps complete a person's outfit and some even help with posture. 

Footwear can be for any occasion and I personally think that the right kind of footwear makes or breaks an outfit. For me, if I just walk two steps out my house my feet already hurt and it feels weird. I don't know how some people can go with bare-less feet, but if you can, I congratulate you because I am somebody go can't do it outside. So remember, don't treat your shoes like garbage! Be lucky that you actually have shoes because some people in the world aren't as fortunate as we are. 

So, I feel like this blog was really rushed so I apologize and I will try my best to make the next one really awesome. I hope you like my entry on footwear! 

Friday, 5 July 2013


Cookies (or also known as biscuits) are a treat loved by everyone and come in many different varieties. They are mostly made out of flour, eggs, and sugar but are very delicious. There are many different types of cookies around the world including the chocolate chip cookie, the fortune cookie and the shortbread cookie. 

I love cookies a lot! I love them so much, that I think it's very hard to pick a favourite. Almost all of the different types of cookies that I've tried, I've loved! But the cookie I eat most is probably the chocolate chip cookie. I love the chocolate chip cookie to my heart's content and I would eat them anytime, any day (but not too much cause it's not healthy). Also, the school cafeteria sells delicious chocolate chip cookies for only one dollar, so if you have a dollar to spare, go get some!

Okay, I hope you enjoyed my blog about cookies! Bye for now!

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Pokemon (or Pocket Monsters) is a series of games focused on their world inhabited by Pokemon made by Nintendo. Trainers can explore the world, catch Pokemon, battle other trainers and eventually battle the Elite Four to try to become the Pokemon Master. There are many different types of Pokemon as you can see in the picture (and those aren't all of them!). 

I've been playing Pokemon for as long as I remember and I love it. When I play it, I feel like I've been teleported from my room into the Pokemon world. I love exploring their world, finding rare Pokemon, and trying to "catch 'em all". For me, Pokemon is something I can go to when I'm bored or when I just want to go somewhere that's not on Earth.

(I don't know if you can see the first picture but it's similar to the second.)

One of my favourite Pokemon is Eevee. Eevee is a normal type Pokemon but if you have an element stone or item, you could give it to Eevee and it would evolve into a different Pokemon. I like Eevee because it is  very cute and there are many different kinds of 'Eevolutions'. My favourite Eevolution is the fire and dark ones because they look really cute, they can learn good moves and they're names sound cool.

So, I hoped you liked my blog about Pokemon! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Waving Hello Kitty Kaoani